O’Congrès 2024
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Effect of particle size on the energy efficiency of the Milling-Pelleting Pair
Research campaign into flammability and explosibility parameters of products handled in the animal feed sector
Estimating greenhouse gas emissions generated by the industrial production of compoung feedstuffs in France
Laser diffraction particle size analysis of additives used in the animal feed sector
Regulations governing classified installations and the animal feed industry
Energy diagnostic at an animal feed production plant
Regulation governing classified facilities, requirements applying to storage facilities at feed production plants in France
Environmental diagnostic at an animal feed production plant
Energy pre-diagnostic in an animal feed manufacturing plant
Optimisation of the energy performance of compressed air production, distribution and use systems
Equipment and method used to characterise the flammability and explosibility of products handled during the manufacture of animal feeds
The pea grinding process in a pregrind diagram - Influence of grain size on pea protein distribution in a series of grain size fractions
The pea grinding process in a predosing diagram - Influence of pea incorporation rate and grain size on pea protein dispersion in a series of grain size fractions
Pea grinding process - Influence of differing diagrams on pea protein distribution in a series of grain size fractions
Purchasing specifications for a hammer mill
Effect of screen size and hammer speed on the particle size of three formulas produced on a industrial hammermill
Method for determining and expressing the grain size of feed meals
Distribution of residence time during heat treatment
Manage the shrinkage